August 19, 2020
A fourth year Marketing student out of Capilano University, Danny Lee has always had a passion for fitness and loves challenging himself both in the classroom and in the gym. For Lee, working out is an avenue that pushes him to do better in every aspect of his life. It is the catalyst that spills over and ignites all other endeavours. When Covid-19 hit us all the way it did earlier this year and everything changed, he decided to leverage his newfound spare time and start a YouTube channel. Lee’s channel, which is named after the host himself consists of Vlog-like videos that educate viewers in regards to how they should train, as well as fun challenges that help him find out what he is really capable of. On July 30, Lee attempted to run 100km without any training. After hours on the track refusing to give in, Lee’s body finally gave out and he had to end the challenge at 50km, a personal best.
Lee stated in an interview with Design Make Play that the hardest part about starting his YouTube channel was just that, starting. Once he pulled the trigger and began posting content, viewers started reaching out to let him know that they were inspired by what he was doing, which as a result inspired him. By creating content for the purpose of educating viewers and challenging himself, Lee is able to share what started as a passion project and keep himself accountable to his own personal goals. Lee told viewers on our show that you do not need as much as you may think to get started. He shoots all his videos with his iPhone and encourages viewers to simply get started if they have a passion for something and think viewers can benefit.
Lee is set to graduate later this year with a Bachelor in Business Administration concentrating in Marketing, and is soon to be an American Council of Exercise certified personal trainer. After graduation he intends to work for a marketing agency while potentially using his expertise to help students with their fitness needs via online coaching. Eventually he would like to combine these skills and make a living doing both. You can find Lee on Instagram @daleefitness, where you can find a link to his YouTube channel. Go ahead and give him a follow! Lee makes fitness fun, and has a collection of unreleased content ready to help you get started!